


About Our Ministry

The Vision

We envision the Kingdom of God as a global ministry that creates experiences of God's glory to break strongholds in the lives of God's people, a ministry working together with local congregations, schools and other organizations to birth an anointed atmosphere of empowerment and transformation, by sending forth a new generation of leaders into all the world, which is our parish.

The Mission

We, the members of Joshua's Remnant Ministries, International, will continuously strive in unity, through the love of Christ, to educate Christian leaders, to birth prosperous believers, and to produce transformative ministry opportunities for every community to which we are called and sent.

The Method

The general purpose of Joshua's Remnant Ministries, International is to build the Kingdom of God, through the spiritual edification and scholarship of Christian leaders, as according to God's word.

Our strategy is:

to Entreat the world, through outreach,

to Empower the believer, through in-reach; and

to Engage God's glory, through up-reach.

About Our Leader


Generald Fleming

The Reverend Generald Quentell Fleming is the firstborn of, both, Rev. ​Gerald Porter and Sis. Erica Fleming. At a very young age, Generald ​received Christ and was baptized, through the ministry of the Reverend ​Ruby L. Hall, Senior Pastor of Miracle Deliverance Pentecostal Church, in ​Dallas, Texas.

At the age of four (4), Generald felt the call of God upon his life, and ​preached his first sermon, “I’m Not Afraid of the Dark”, from Revelations ​13:1-3. At this young age, he began to lay hands and prophesy, and the ​congregation witnessed miracles of healing and deliverance take place. The ​prophetic move of God was very present, with accuracy and testimonies. ​He was accepted into the ordained ministry of Miracle Deliverance ​Pentecostal Church by the age of twelve (12).

Over time, Generald found himself preaching all over, holding empowering ​services and numerous youth services and conventions. In 2005, Generald ​united with Breaking of Day Family Church, Int’l. (Apostle Donald E. ​Cleveland, Sr.) and Hannah’s Sons & Daughters Intercessory Prayer ​Ministry, Int’l. (Prophetess Frances Cleveland), where he would be trained ​to fully operate in intercession and the office of the prophet.

In 2007, God gave Generald vision and mission to develop a personal ​ministry, Joshua’s Remnant Ministries, Inc., focusing on the integration of ​prayer as a tool of spiritual formation and discipleship within the local ​church’s Christian Education ministries and the individual lives of its ​members.

Generald has served the Christian church across denominational lines and ​in various capacities. His pastoral charges have been as such:

  • Pastor of Student Ministries; Praise Fellowship Church, Wilmer, TX
  • Associate Minister; Cole Hill CME Church, Tyler, TX
  • Senior Associate Pastor; Kirkwood Temple CME Church, Dallas, TX
  • Senior Pastor; Carter Temple CME Church, Dallas, TX
  • Site Pastor; Praise Fellowship Church, Wilmer, TX

Generald has also served the Church in capacities beyond the pulpit, which ​have granted him access to skills and tools beyond the preaching ministry, ​some of which are:

  • Episcopal Director of Young Adult Work; 8th Episcopal District, CME ​Church
  • Connectional Young Adult Ministry Board Member; CME Church
  • Episcopal Prayer Coordinator; 8th Episcopal District, CME Church
  • Executive Assistant to the Senior Bishop; CME Church
  • Assistant Director of Christian Education; DFW Annual Conference, ​CME Church

His educational pursuits have been numerous, but in particular, he has ​accomplished studies in the following:

  • Bachelor of Arts in English & Religion; Texas College & Liberty ​University
  • Master of Arts in Human Services Counseling; Liberty University
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology & Theology; Liberty University

Generald, currently, serves as the General Overseer of the Pentecostal ​Assemblies Covenant Fellowship, Inc., a conglomerate of 20+ churches ​and ministries across the U.S.A., which was organized in 1956. His work ​has brought a definite and identifiable shift to the educational value and ​spiritual formation of its member churches/ministries, their leaders, and ​congregants.

Generald’s greatest joys lie within creating safe spaces for leaders to ​heal, grow and learn, pushing them into the challenge of cultivating ​theological frameworks from whence to carry out the work of ministry. ​He loves God, and he loves the Church, with a heavy charismatic ​evidence.

Engagement Opportunities

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Strategy Associates

This team of professionals ​and academics provides cu​lturally-competent ministry co​nsultancy and coaching, wi​th the drive to deliver identi​fiable results of ho​listic transformation in​ every setting of min​i​stry.

Pentecostal Assemblies

Covenant Fellowship

This fellowship of leaders, ministries and churches is organized to provide stable, effective and apostolic covering, for the work of global ministry.

Ministry Assignments

Apostle G. Q. Fleming seeks to engage the Body of Christ, throughout the world, by delivering prophetic messages of biblical revelation and spiritual growth. He seeks to empower the people of God for the sake of ministry.

Ministry Initiatives

Empowering the Remnant


The objective of this conference is to empower those leaders who have chosen to remain faithful to the call of God upon their lives, to engage young leaders who are finding their way through ministry, and to entreat those who have yet to identify the specialized call of God for their lives. We endeavor, through this conference, to charge the believer with power to accomplish the work to which they have been assigned.

The Remnant Institute

In an intentional effort to reposition the Kingdom, JRMI provides courses that engage the community of faith in theological education, spiritual formation and ministerial development.

  • Introduction to Christian Ministry
  • Introduction to Systematic Theology
  • Systematic Theology 1 & 2
  • Spiritual Formation - Gifts, Calling & Ministry
  • Homiletics - Prophetic Preaching
  • Introduction to Hermeneutics
  • Ministry Seminar - Five-Fold Gifts
  • Ministry Seminar - Mental Health & the Church
  • Ministry Seminar - Birthing Intercession
  • Pastoral Care in the Black Church

The Encampment Prayer Network

A network of intercessors and prayer warriors have come together to carry forth the mantle of prayer, across the globe, utilizing strategic prayer patterns that have been revealed to Apostle G. Q. Fleming.

Contact Us!

Phone Number

(469) 883-6575

Email Address
